Getting to know Baltimore Top Doc, Steven J. Rottman.
This article is part of Dr. Rottman’s continuing Q & A blog series ‘Ask Dr. Baltimore,’ published in syndication on Mink+Rich, Baltimore’s premiere Beauty and Wellness Website.
I am getting to know Baltimore Top Doc, Steven J. Rottman.
These days a Google search and possible background check are par for the course before any blind date, job interview, or important business meeting. It seems reasonable that you might want to get to know someone a bit before going under the knife.
Sure I could rave about how amazing a surgeon, Steven J. Rottman, is until I am blue in the face, but most people want to get to know the scalpel-wielding doctor behind the paper mask a bit before slipping into the paper gown.
So let’s get real… Who is Steven J. Rottman, MD. ? What are his preferences when it comes to medical aesthetic products and services? What are his most satisfying moments as a surgeon? And, more importantly, perhaps, what does he eat for breakfast?
Speaking of breakfast? What do you eat for breakfast?
On surgery mornings I like to have a protein smoothie of some kind. Low in sugar and high in protein, they provide me with the sustainable energy needed for long hours on my feet in the OR.
Why Plastic Surgery?
I am fascinated with the point at which science and art merge. I have always been drawn to aesthetic beauty and been fascinated by science and medicine.
When it comes to injectables, what are your preferences?
Dysport and Restylane have become my go-to favorites.
Of all the Neuro-toxins, I like Dysport the best. I have found it works quicker than Botox, lasts longer, and covers more surface area.
Restylane is my go-to filler. Available in a wide variety of thicknesses indicated for specific areas of the face, Restylane products allow me to target facial depressions with precision and accuracy. Their products consistently result in desirable outcomes with minimal downtime.
What surgery do you find most satisfying?
Any surgery that is life-changing for a patient is the most satisfying for me. Depending on the patient and their specific circumstance, the power of a given surgical procedure can vary. While one patient may find liposuction alone to be life-changing, others may require more involved procedures to see life-changing results. Whether it is a breast augmentation for a young woman insecure about her small breasts, a tummy tuck for a woman unhappy with her appearance post pregnancy or a massive weight loss patient struggling to cope with excess skin, I find job satisfaction in happy patients and hope that I can continue to help people live happier, healthier lives.
That feels good when patients cry happy tears during follow-up appointments thanking me for changing their lives. Sure beauty is subjective, and plastic surgery can certainly be taken too far. However, it can be life-changing in many instances, giving people physical and mental strength and happiness.
What do you like to do in your free time?
I spend most of my free time with my family, playing with my kids and coaching their sports teams. In the spring and summer, we love going to see the Orioles play.
When it comes to breast implants, what is your preference; saline or silicone?
Silicone. Today’s generation of Silicone implants are perfectly safe. They provide much more natural-looking results and are associated with less chances of rippling and capsular contracture.
Seaside or Mountainside?
I went to college in Miami, so the sea is where my allegiance has always been. I love taking my family on beach vacations, and while it’s hard for me sometimes to relax and not think about work, I definitely enjoy family time by the ocean.
In addition to Dysport, Restylane, and silicone what else would you recommend Baltimoreans do to help them to look and feel their best?
Quit smoking. Use sunscreen. Cut back on your sugar consumption. Maintain a stable body weight with a BMI under 25.
Dr. Rottman is a double board-certified Baltimore Magazine 2015 Plastic Surgery Top Doc with two Baltimore area offices and hospital privileges at Greater Baltimore Medical Center, Northwest Hospital and Surgery Center, Sinai Hospital, and Georgetown University Hospital.
Do you have a question for Baltimore Top Doc Steven J. Rottman, MD? Send your question via email to, and he will do his best to get an answer to you as soon as possible.