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Revision Breast Surgery in Baltimore, MD

Breast augmentation is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures in the United States. Unfortunately, the popularity means that many women choose plastic surgeons that do not provide the best quality results.

Double board certified and fellowship-trained plastic surgeon Dr. Steven J. Rottman offers revision breast surgery to the women of Baltimore, MD, and surrounding communities who are not satisfied with their breast augmentations.

What Is Revision Breast Surgery?

Revision breast surgery is a secondary surgery that most often occurs after breast augmentation.

Some of the cosmetic concerns that can be corrected with revision breast surgery are the following:

  • Movement of the implants
  • Rippling of the implants
  • Inappropriate breast implant size or shape
  • Scar tissue

Benefits of Revision Breast Surgery

Revision breast surgery may be recommended for cosmetic and health reasons. The surgery restores the breast augmentation to a more appropriate appearance while reducing potential health risks.

Revision Breast Surgery Before and After Pictures

Dr. Rottman can improve results from a previous breast surgery where a woman may have experienced complications or was dissatisfied with their results. The before and after pictures show you what Dr. Rottman has achieved.

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How Is Revision Breast Surgery Performed?

Dr. Rottman specializes in the repair and revision of complications resulting from prior breast surgeries.

Revision Breast Augmentation

Although breast implants are medical devices designed to last for many years, patients can expect to undergo some form of revision surgery within their lifetime. In revision breast augmentation, Dr. Rottman can resolve complications, exchange breast implants for a different type or size, or reshape the breast for a more youthful appearance. Depending on the reason for revision, procedures can range from simple adjustments to complex surgical procedures.

Symmastia Repair

Symmastia is a serious, but rare complication that can occur after breast augmentation. The problem occurs when the breast implant crosses the midline between the breasts, essentially joining the breasts together. Symmastia can be obvious or it may be subtle, becoming visible only when the patient is lying down.

The basic causes of symmastia are oversized breast implants and over-dissection of the breast pocket. Symmastia is often seen when one patient chooses progressively larger implants in multiple breast augmentation procedures.

Correction of Capsular Contracture

After breast augmentation (or reconstruction with implants), the body can form scar tissue that surrounds the implant. This reaction, known as capsular contracture, places pressure on the implant and causes hardness, displacement, and distortion of the breast implant, requiring breast revision. Surgical procedures to correct the complication include traditional capsulectomy, capsulotomy, and placement of an acellular tissue matrix (AlloDerm® or StratticeTM ).

Correction of Implant Rippling

Rippling of the breast implant can become visible in some patients, particularly when a saline implant is not filled to the proper volume. Correction of implant rippling or wrinkling may require adjustment of the implant volume, replacement with silicone gel implants or insertion of an acellular tissue matrix such as Strattice™. To prevent rippling, plastic surgeons often recommend placement of the implant below the chest muscle.

Correction of Malposition

Breast implant displacement (or malposition) occurs when the implant moves beyond the margins of the breast pocket. The cause may be poor surgical technique (over-dissection of the tissue) or scar formation that gradually pushes the implant from its optimal location. Such complications are often called “bottoming out,” “double-bubble,” “symmastia,” or “high-riding” of breast implants.

Preparing for Revision Breast Surgery

Prior to your revision breast surgery, you will need to follow specific instructions to ensure your surgery is successful. Dr. Rottman provides you with detailed instructions during your consultation. The instructions also include any special aftercare you may need. You should arrange for a family member or friend to help you after surgery.

Recovery from Revision Breast Surgery

Recovery from revision breast surgery varies based on the extent of correction needed. Most patients are required to restrict their activities for up to four weeks, including staying home from work. Strenuous activities are typically restricted for six to eight weeks. You will need to keep the surgical site dry. Additionally, healing is fastest if you are able to sleep on your stomach. Dr. Rottman may be able to recommend some special pillows to help you with this. Common symptoms after breast revision surgery are tenderness, swelling, bruising and mild discomfort.

How Much Does Revision Breast Surgery Cost?

Breast revision surgery is an elective cosmetic procedure. The cost of the surgery varies by patient. We work with CareCredit® to offer you a convenient way to afford your breast revision surgery. To learn more, please visit our financing page.

Is Revision Breast Surgery Right for Me?

Breast revision surgery is recommended for women who have undergone breast enhancement and have specific cosmetic and health issues related to their implants. Dr. Rottman is able to determine if revision breast surgery is right for you during your personal consultation.

Why Choose Dr. Steven J. Rottman for Revision Breast Surgery?

Revision breast surgery involves the repair and restoration of soft tissues, as well as the repositioning or replacement of your breast implants. The approach is unique to each woman, so you want a plastic surgeon like Dr. Rottman, who is skilled in the most advanced revision breast surgery techniques.

What to Expect During Your Revision Breast Surgery Consultation

Dr. Rottman asks questions about your breast augmentation surgery, implants, and other related issues. He examines your breasts to determine what steps need to be followed during surgery. He reviews his recommended treatment plan and provides you with pre- and post-surgical instructions.

Dr. Steven J. Rottman is a cosmetic and reconstructive plastic surgery expert who serves the men and women of Baltimore and surrounding areas. Dr. Rottman is recognized for his approach to plastic and reconstructive surgery that gives his patients exceptional natural-looking results.

Because each patient is unique, Dr. Rottman uses both traditional and advanced techniques for his procedures.

Please contact us today to schedule your personal consultation with Dr. Rottman.